During the second last week of Term 4, Clyde Grammar Foundation and Year 1 students and teachers visited the new Clyde Grammar Campus. Students and teachers were thrilled to see just how far the campus building had progressed. Shrills of excitement and laughter could be heard miles away and smiles lit up the faces of all who attended.

Students and teachers posed for some photos in front of what will be the new Junior School building, scheduled to open Term 1 2022. It will quickly become a place where we will begin to foster a sense of pride and belonging, and where students and staff will grow, learn, play and make new discoveries together.

Eleven staff members and 87 Foundation and Year 1 students are temporarily located at Casey Grammar and will be among about 144 Prep, Years 1 and 2 students moving in next year when Stage 1 is completed.

Students and staff are very excited to move into their modern campus.