All About Animals
During Term 2 our students learnt about different species, their habitats, and how they survive. Many of these areas were taught through picture story books, educational clips, art, and science experiences.

Creating an under-the-sea display: sea turtles, sea horse and jelly fish.

Collaborative Art: During morning activities, students worked in small groups to create a coral reef habitat.
Our students also increased their mathematical understanding.
Working as a team and taking it in turns when playing games is an important part of the learning process and this term we took part in cooking demonstrations and playing doubles to cement our learning.

Doubles using Numicon shapes.

Cooking: Making choc chip cookies to show our doubles.

“5 choc chips and 5 choc chips make 10 choc chips altogether”.
Literacy Rotations
Students have been working on their sounds knowledge and are beginning to blend sounds together to make words using Literacy Rotations.
Literacy rotations are a set of quick, fun, interactive and ability focused tasks.

Using the PLD sounds card to trace three letter words in the tray.

Using visual aids and magnetic letters to sound out three letter words.

Laura Papettas
Foundation A Teacher