From the Classroom


Chocolate Always Helps and Creatures Always Delight

In Foundation A, we were busy developing our literacy and numeracy skills last term, with lots of fun activities in our classroom. We made some delicious ‘friends of 10’ choc chip cookies, and it was interesting to see all the ways we can make 10, just by using two groups of chocolate chips!

In integrated studies, we explored the animal kingdom and became avid nature enthusiasts. In art, we created lots of species from different animal categories. Do you like our beautiful dragonfly models?

Dragonflies are an insect; they have antennae, six legs, a head, thorax and an abdomen. Here they are flying over our garden with their wings shining in the sunshine!

In Art We Use Our Fingers, But in Maths We Don’t Need To!

Last term, our Foundation B students loved nothing more than our weekly art classes when we would experiment with different materials and techniques to create breathtaking artworks.  A recent project was creating winter trees using paint, watercolors and our fingers. We also created an Australian bird inspired by the work of Anna Blatman.

In maths, we learnt how to add two numbers together using subitising — looking at a small group of objects and instantly seeing how many things there are without needing to count on our fingers. We have had lots of fun playing different mathematics games to build these skills.

Year 1

Students in 1A had a great time practicing their song about minibeasts to be performed at assembly last term.

Each student had a chance to use a microphone and present an interesting fact about their chosen minibeast.  This was followed by their song and dance, which was a wonderful performance.  Everyone should feel very proud of their efforts!

Learning through play

1B were amazing last term! They learnt about addition and subtraction, continued to progress with their reading skills and improve their writing skills, too. They played lots of maths games to keep them interested while they learnt.  We can’t wait to get term 3 under way!

Year 2A

Sizing up places

Year 2A was busily working on different geography projects as term 2 came to a close.  Here, some of the students shared their experiences and what they have learned:

“A national, local and regional scale is fun to learn about. It was fun doing it as an art activity and being able to decorate it however we wanted!” Sahib

“The project was so fun. We got to know each scale and everyone will be able to see all the fun we have had.” Jonathan

“I enjoyed making the project because we had lots of photos from places I have visited. It was lots of fun remembering the places I’ve visited.” Haimie

Other students pictured: Angad, Aken, Evelyn, Sidak, Amina

Reading Strategies

We were also learning all about how to improve our reading and, as part of this, we created a reading strategies display board last term. Gradually, we are adding our different skills to the board.

In Week 7, we practiced our reading aloud skills. In pairs, we read aloud a few sentences to a partner and then they gave us tips to make our reading even better.

We worked on being louder, adding expression, and pausing for commas and full stops. We also changed our voices when we read dialogue for different characters, so we read like newsreaders and not robots!

Here is a video of all of us working well in our pairs:  Reading aloud – Year 2A

When we read the book, The Hole in the King’s Sock, we read the first few pages then predicted what we thought would happen next in the story.

“I predicted that the Queen would sew his sock.” Thea

“I predicted that the King would have the servants collect all the materials in the land to fix the socks.” Nuvee

“I predicted that the King would call the cook next, to cook him up a new pair of socks.” Japleen

“I predicted that the gardeners would put leaves on the King’s socks, but that they would be too thin and would break.” Zoe

“I predicted that the King would get the Queen to fix his socks for him.” Gursirat

Fun with Posters, Play and Pastels

The students in 2B had been reflecting on what they have done during the final weeks of term 2. They were excited to share their comments about their maths games and art experiences. They were also very excited to finally complete their personal, local, regional and national scale poster and present it to the class.

What has been your favourite activity in maths?

“I enjoyed meeting new friends and playing games with them.” Ryan

“I loved learning how to take away from things and then also adding as well.” Alana

“I loved all the counting games because it is so easy for me.” Ishreen

“I loved playing the maths games as they are fun.” Udamvir

“I loved finding locations on a grid, for example, 2B was where we drew a sun.” Sanveer

This term we have also explored pastels and how to make patterns. So what have been some of the students favourite art activities?

“We got to use different colours and we made it look good by doing amazing designs.” Maceo

“We have learned how to create amazing aboriginal designs. While we were creating them, we felt relaxed and joyful when we looked at the result.” Shay

“Art is really amazing, and I liked it when we got to ink the turtles’ journey.” Ishreen

“We learnt aboriginal stuff and it was peaceful to create it. We used oil pastels and ink for the background.” Dex

Year 3

Exploring Melbourne, a Book Bash and The Twits

Term 2 was a busy, busy term in Year 3 with lots of learning and fun.  As we embark on another exciting term, we want to tell you about some of the things we enjoyed last term.

Melbourne Landmarks – Now and Then

Year 3 students have been investigating ‘Melbourne – now and then’. They have looked at some of the iconic landmarks in Melbourne, located them on a map and discovered their significance and history.

Students also created a PowerPoint about what they have learned and presented it to the class. They worked hard to research information and gave a fabulous presentation.

Here they explain what they liked most about this project:

“I loved learning how to use PowerPoint to make a presentation.” Shnaya 3B

“Being able to draw a picture of my landmark — the Australia 108, which is Victoria’s tallest building.” Nilesh 3A

“It was fun learning about different landmarks in Melbourne and how they have changed over time.” Rubani 3A

“I loved learning about my landmark, and I even went to the city with my family to see my landmark.” Yuvleen C 3B

“I’m excited about the presentation and using PowerPoint to present to the class.” Louie 3B

“I felt nervous giving my presentation, but I was proud of myself once I finished.” Aadi 3A


Book Bash

Over two days, Year 3 students joined the State Library of Victoria’s Book Bash. They joined a Zoom session where they listened to some amazing Australian authors and illustrators speak about their work.

They learned how to create memorable characters and bring them to life through awesome illustrations with best-selling author and illustrator Matt Cosgrove – the person behind Macca the Alpaca and Epic Fail Tales. The students also listened to author and designer Eva Amores who created the Worst Week Ever.

During the Zoom session, the children drew Justin Chase and Macca the Alpaca.

They also Zoomed with legendary author, Andy Griffiths, who created the Just series and the best-selling Treehouse series. Andy shared his storytelling secrets and told some of the funniest and silliest jokes from his books.

As you can see from their comments below, the Book Bash was a very popular event.

“This inspired me for my next book, Super Boot 3.” Louie 3B

“It was great to hear about how they came up with their books and stories.”
Yuvleen S 3B

“They gave us some great tips on how to create our own stories and characters.” Sri 3B

“I can’t wait to read the series, My Worst Week, now.” Avjot 3B

“All of the authors were really inspiring, and it was cool that some of the authors are illustrators also.” Ishleen 3A

“I really liked Matt Cosgrove and Eva Amores. I loved how they shared examples of their pictures and stories, and we had a go at drawing, too.” Harmeet 3A

The Twits

During Term 1, Year 3 students read The Twits as their class novel. They all enjoyed the book and created several art pieces based on the book. Luckily, the stage show based on The Twits happened to be on tour and so we all went along to see it at Frankston Arts Centre.

“I’m really excited to see the play after reading the book. It is a great experience for us.” Vihanya 3B

“I am excited to see The Twits as it is my first time seeing a live play.” Olivia 3A