Our lessons in Term 1 have been all about identities: exploring our strengths, interests, achievements and how identities can change over time.
Physical Education
The Foundation students have been exploring the physical education environment and movement through games. Whole class activities such as fruit salad, Ship Shark Shore and dice roll fitness have been a fun way to start the year. Throughout the term, the students will be learning and practicing different object control skills such as throwing, rolling and catching.
Year 1 and 2 students are working through a phase of practicing their overarm throw and catching skills. Throwing and catching skills are an important part of many sports such as cricket, baseball, basketball and netball.
In Year 3 the students have been introduced to the concept of invasion games. Invasion games are a style of game seen in popular sports such as basketball, soccer and Australian rules football. Games such as capture the flag and end ball have been enthusiastically played with a consistent focus on sportsmanship and teamwork.
Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students began the year participating in engineering challenges using Lego, straw and connectors, building blocks and pattern blocks. The focus is now on technology, and, more specifically, coding across all levels. Foundation is using Beebots, Year 1 is using coding applications on iPads and year 2 students are exploring the Dashbots.
Year 3 STEM is all about the design process this term. The students have learnt about the different steps of the process and are now applying their knowledge while planning, creating and testing their very own marble runs.
Performing Arts
The Years 1, 2 and 3 students have been working well in Performing Arts, with a particular focus on music this term.
Year 1 students have been learning about keeping the beat, rhythm patterns, pitch and composing. Both classes worked well to create intricate compositions when learning “taa” and “ti-ti” rhythm patterns.
Year 2 students composed creative Boomwhacker tunes in small groups. Some imaginative song names were Lazy Alien Eater, Bunny Hop and Be Happy. They have been working well learning their song A Letter From Charlie Bucket from the muscial Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Year 3 students have been working hard to understand music theory as they started learning the recorder.
Students demonstrated excellent understanding of notes, rests and their values. Some of their reflections are shared below.
‘I’ve loved playing the recorder and learning new notes.’ Kunashe, 3B
‘In Performing Arts, we have learnt about notes like minims and semibreves. I’ve enjoyed playing the G note on recorder.’ Louie 3B