In Term 2, we learnt about Australian Environments and some animals that live in those environments.
Some of the students have shared their reflections below:
We had to cut all the pieces out of the koala and the leaves too. Then we got oil pastels and smoothed different colours with our fingers on the leaves. We had to glue the pieces of newspaper together. We had to pop his eyeballs on. We even popped his nose on. – Maya
We needed to draw the wombat with pencil. Then we needed to trace the pencil with black markers. Then we needed to paint it with water colour paints. – Henry
We had to draw a kingfisher with grey lead pencil. We painted the kingfisher with our water colour paint palettes. We waited until it dried then we put glue on it then feathers. The colours of the kingfisher are orange and blue. – Gursirat
Deanne Bourke
Year 1 Teacher