Physical Education
This term in PE lessons the Year 3 students have been learning about rules, strategies and techniques to participate in striking and fielding games. Examples of striking and fielding games played throughout the term include kickball, tee ball and cricket.
During Years 1 & 2 PE lessons, the students have been enjoying learning and developing their kicking skills. Modified games of soccer and Australian rules football have been a great way to practice correct kicking techniques.
Foundation students are developing important throwing and catching skills through small games and challenges. They are improving their skills while learning to work collaboratively in the physical education environment.
“Soccer is my favourite sport. I love using our now goals” Ali
“My favourite game to play is treasure chest. We are practicing swing, step and throw.” Arjun
In conjunction with the Jump Rope for Heart program, the students have been exploring how they can be healthy and safe. Foundation students are exploring healthy foods and drinks, Years 1 & 2 are learning the safe use of medicines and Year 3 are investigating how to be safe in potentially hazardous situations.
“Jump Rope for Heart is good because it is about helping people and keeps us healthy by skipping, it’s a win win.” Jasmine
“I want to help other people and save the world.” Savreet
All year levels have enjoyed conducting mini classroom experiments this term during STEM.
Year 3 students planted their own carrots and beetroots, did the walking rainbow experiment, and created lava lamps.
Year 2 students made walkie talkies, paper aeroplanes and have begun the model playground project.
In year 1 STEM, the students have designed ‘chore robots’, created paper aeroplanes and are constructing marble mazes using a range of materials.
The Foundation students have created boats made from foil, developed tracks using cardboard cylinders for toy cars and worked collaboratively when using engineering materials.
“The walkie talkies work because the string uses vibrations.” Denny
“I designed a robot that can help take out the rubbish at home.” Vihaan
Performing Arts
This term in Performing Arts, students have been participating in drama.
Foundation students have been learning about how to use their bodies to express emotions and create characters.
Year 1 students have been enthusiastically participating in improvised scenes, imagining different locations and characters.
Year 2 students have been doing some great work with scripts, whilst year 3 have begun writing their own scripts which they will perform to their classmates at the end of term.