Green Fingers and Smarties
Garden Time
Foundations have been busy planting and harvesting new seedlings in our garden. We have been learning about the parts of a plant, what plants need to grow, how to care for our garden and what minibeasts we can find living in our garden, too. We have also been growing our own seeds with a partner so we can see the fascinating lifecycle of a plant.
Spring Has Sprung!
Spring has also inspired some spectacular artwork. Foundations have been experimenting with lots of different art materials to create amazing, layered artworks.
Marvellous Maths
Sharing is caring! We have been exploring fair and unfair shares using balance scales, Play-Doh, teddy bears on bikes and Smarties! Foundations have been awesome as they worked out sharing ‘one for you and one for me’— although that was a bit trickier when it came to sharing the Smarties!
Year 1
Crazy Chemicals
On Tuesday, 17 October, the Year 1s enjoyed an incursion called ‘Crazy Chemicals’ with a lovely lady called Cass. She showed students how chemicals can create reactions when they are mixed together. Students examined the properties of wood, plastic and metal and then had to place different objects on separate tables based on whether they were plastic, wood or metal. Cass explained that you can see through some plastics and that some can also be recycled. Our enthusiastic students also experimented with vortex cannons, steel balls that burnt tiny holes in paper, circuit rods, slime and tiny rockets.
Year 2
Letters and Bucket-filling
On the last day of Term 3, the students in 2B enjoyed Book Week. Everyone was excited as they headed off to the whole school parade and once the parade was over, students joined their House groups to enjoy activities matching this year’s Book Week theme of ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ There was a Guinness World Records sport activity and Ninja Bread Man biscuit decorating. The ‘A Tiny Seed’ activity saw students decorate pots and plant seedlings and there was also a Kitchen Disco party. We then enjoyed having our Subway lunch together.
At the beginning of this term, we joined a letter exchange where we will send letters and bucket-filling tasks to 25 other schools around Australia and New Zealand. The 2B students were excited to describe themselves and the amazing things they do at our school. We also started the term by hosting the whole school assembly. During this assembly, using the animals they created in Term 3, 2B students shared one amazing fact with Clyde Grammar students and then entertained them with a dance.
Year 3
A Sleepover and Counting Birds
Year 3 Sleepover
The excitement and anticipation for the Year 3 sleepover had been mounting and when the evening arrived, the school was buzzing. Children arrived with their parents, eagerly set up their beds and got straight into playing games. They enjoyed House game challenges, pizza dinner and ice cream, the annual Clyde Grammar Yacht Regatta and learning how to play chess with some visitors from Chess Mates. The children had a fabulous time.
“I had such a great time at the sleepover that I wished it had gone for longer,” Ishleen 3A
“I really enjoyed learning how to play chess with the Chess Mate teachers. It was even better that I won!” Jasmine 3B
“The House games were exciting, even though my house didn’t win,” Avjot 3B
“The ice cream was exquisitely delicious and served by Mrs Evans,” Amer 3A
“I loved the pizza, even though pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza,” Ayanna 3B
“Thanks to the teachers—Mr Newham, Ms Mepstead, Mrs O’Halloran, Mrs Evans and Ms Testro—we had a great time,” Sidhak 3B
“The yacht regatta was lots of fun and the finals were so close. Kunashe won,” Louie 3B
“I was nervous about the sleepover, but I had lots of fun and was so proud of myself,” Reetaz 3A
The Aussie Bird Count
During week 3, the Year 3 children took part in the Aussie Bird Count – an annual science activity where people spend 20 minutes counting the birds that they see living near them. The information is used to work out Australia’s bird population and what kinds of birds are living around Australia. The Year 3s ventured outdoors each day to observe and count the different local bird species nesting near Clyde Grammar. We collected data and then turned it into a graph using Excel.
“I really enjoyed going outside and observing the birds. On Friday, a galah stayed in the tree right near me. I named it Swoopy,” Savreet 3B
“I used my binoculars to see some birds. I was hoping to see a kookaburra but didn’t see one,” Harmeet 3A
“Kirat and I teamed up and we shared binoculars to see the birds,” Sehaj 3A
“The birds were so fast, sometimes it was hard to know what type of bird it was,” James 3B
“Each day it got more exciting seeing the different birds,” Rubani 3A