Health and Physical Education
During Term 2, all students took part in ‘Jump Rope for Heart’.
Over the five-week program, students enjoyed learning new skipping skills, keeping active, and exploring the importance of promoting good health through regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Congratulations to all students who participated and helped to raise money for a worthy cause!

During Digital Technologies lessons, Year 1 and Year 2 students had a busy term exploring the many ways we can use computers.

They enjoyed using our new laptops to communicate, present data, and as a tool for learning. All students demonstrated patience and perseverance when practicing their digital technology skills.
In STEM, the foundation students enjoyed building and experimenting with boats made from foil as part of a ‘float or sink’ focus.

They were also asked to carry out testing on various items, to investigate and predict which items would float, and which would sink.

The students also produced and tested paper aeroplanes and continued to explore coding while using Beebots.
James Pretty
Specialist Health & Physical Education/Technology Teacher