Specialist Classes

Performing Arts

In Performing Arts last term, students developed their acting skills in drama lessons.

Foundation students used their imaginations to become pirates, fairies, giants, elves, dragons and robots.

Students in Year 1 did a great job of creating their own class story about a farm. They performed the tale in a group, using their imagination to interpret the story and characters.

Our year 2 students are working towards performing a chosen script in small groups in front of their classmates, while Year 3 are finalising their own twisted fairytale scripts and are acting, directing and filming them to present to the class soon.


To finish off the first semester, Year 3 students enjoyed experimenting with ‘stop motion’ on the iPads.

They have been creative and inventive and made short animations using props such as toy cars, building blocks and sports equipment.

The Year 2 students are in the middle of their ‘create a playground’ project, where, in groups, they are creating model playgrounds using different craft and building materials.

Year 1 students experimented with push and pull forces while building toy car ramps, and our Foundation students carefully followed instructions to create their own paper airplanes.

Health and Physical Education

During PE the students learnt the basic skills of Australian rules football, such as handballing, kicking and marking. As a fun way to end term 2, they used their skills during some energetic football clinics run by AFL South-East.

Jump Rope for Heart

In Term 2, we finished the Jump Rope for Heart program. Congratulations to all students who learned new skills and also learned the importance of helping others. Our school raised an amazing $2,333 for the Heart Foundation!