From the Principal

As the school year comes to an end, we reflect on a whirlwind of enriching activities and heartfelt celebrations. From vibrant performances to prestigious awards, we are grateful for another wonderful year at Clyde Grammar.

From the Classroom

Term 4 has been a busy time for everyone in the school and has flown by really quickly. We’ve enjoyed science incursions, our swimming program, creating colourful artwork, and completing some of our learning in the sunshine. Different facets of history have been explored, cultural celebrations marked, and we learnt the significance of honouring Remembrance Day.

Specialist Classes

Spanish students have been counting sheep while Health and PE students have been in the pool. Old Testament stories teach young minds the importance of making good choices while tech-savvy students have discovered Canva. Library classes have created elf traps, and our concert performances left a lasting impression.

Important Notice

Clyde Grammar has applied to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) (the Act) to allow it to: If you would like to make a submission to VCAT and the School either for or against the application you must send it by email to and
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From the Principal

It has been a busy and energetic start to Term 4 and there is a lot to look forward to during this last term of the year. Don’t forget to buy tickets for our spectacular Performing Arts showcase — they are selling out fast.

From the Classroom

We have been busy planting and caring for our new vegetable gardens, searching for mini beasts and building the tallest possible marshmallow towers. We have also been birdwatching, having a lot of fun during a school sleepover, and learning all about how to measure volume and capacity.

Specialist Classes

Our specialist classes are packed with interesting stories and activities. In Spanish, students have learnt about feelings and numbers while water safety has been a priority in Health & PE. Students have also explored trust and human dignity, dabbled in stop motion creation, and discovered Christmas stories.

From the Principal

Term 3 is in full swing and every classroom at Clyde Grammar is busy. Olympic fever swept through the school and brought a mini-Olympics, toy races and even a Fruit and Vegetable Olympics. Book tastings, rock and roll and robotics have also been part of the Clyde experience this term.

From the Classroom

FOUNDATION – YEAR 2 From Clyde to Paris Term 3 continues to be a busy and exciting time. With the Olympic Games in Paris, excursions, assemblies and celebrations for our Foundation students’ 100 Days of School, our students have truly enjoyed the lively pace of the past few weeks. During the two weeks of the
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